
Sunday, September 20, 2009


Another Advanced Imaging project...I chose to do an image of a woman with lymphedema, and show through transparency, her lymphatic system and the disconnect that is causing her to have lymphedema. Although still in progress, I'm happy with what I've got done already. (The lymphatic system is basically like the 'garbage men' of your gets rid of your cellular waste through a system of channels in your body. When those connections between the channels are broken, the body has no way to get rid of those wastes so the cellular fluid builds up in the person's extremities. In most cases, people with lymphedema have had their lymph nodes removed due to cancer, or radiation therapy and in women, it is most prevalent in the arms after breast cancer surgery. The affected limb becomes swollen, heavy and is prone to infection. Read more about it here, on Wikipedia if you like).

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